Intelligent Cubehopper €0.50- €1.00- €2.00

Item No: 10-1800-99

Please contact us regarding purchasing of this item.


  • This hopper has the same mechanical functions as the MK2 series but can be set to different operating modes depending on your preferences
  • Operating mode 1: Continuous mode
  • This works similar as the standard MK2 hopper
  • Operating mode 2: Logic mode
  • The hopper will work with a logic signal high or low to start and stop the hopper
  • Operating mode 3: Pulse mode
  • The hopper will pay out 1 coin for each pulse send to the hopper
  • Operating mode 4: RS232 mode
  • The hopper works on a simple RS232 operating protocol
  • Operating modes are selected by jumper settings on the main board